Tuesday, February 16, 2010

beauty. art. romance, Pre-Raphaelites, Waterhouse, sensual, portraits, oil painting, Vermeer, poetry, quiet,light, women, painting, simplcity, Henri, fine art, classic, Victorian, "I mean by a picture, a beautiful romantic dream of something that never was, never will be - in a better light than any light that ever shone - in a land that no-one can define or remember, only desire - and the forms divinely beautiful"
  Edward Coley Burne-Jones,
geishea, mermaid, angels, daydreamers, Newlyn School, gentle


Blogger dianne said...

Some very beautiful tags here dear painter so many for my imagination to ponder... they are words but they evoke many images.
The quote "I mean by a picture, a beautiful romantic dream of something that never was, never will be - in a better light than any light that ever shone - in a land that no-one can define or remember, only desire - and the forms divinely beautiful" ... is that yours?
That is how I feel sometimes about how I would like to express the emotions that I am feeling and putting them into words ... the frustration of knowing that I will never be able to get it exactly how I want it to be nor find the person I am searching for, one with which to share the beauty of my deepest thoughts and dreams. xo ♡

February 20, 2010 at 8:31 AM  
Blogger painter said...

Hi Dianne,

The quote is from Burne Jones a great Victorian artist. It catches my feelings however.

It is up to we poets and painters to capture the "uncapturabable." To care about important things that much of the world has forgotten in its haste.

That is no small nor easy job. We know it is the process (not the product) that make the quest worth it. It is also quite worth it to know that we share our gifts with others and that they are now and again appreciated.

Enjoy your quest.

February 23, 2010 at 8:46 PM  
Blogger dianne said...

Thank you dear painter it is a beautiful and thought provoking quote, that is why I thought it might have been yours.

Yes I shall continue on my journey and my quest to find the beauty where some see none and find the words to express my feelings.

But for some feelings, there are no words for they are divine and no word could describe them nor give them the reverence they deserve. ♡

February 25, 2010 at 6:34 AM  

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